Anti-Camelot is a variant of Camelot invented by Michael Wortley Nolan in 2009.


Anti-Camelot is different than Camelot in the following ways:


1. In Anti-Camelot, a player wins if his opponent moves one of his pieces (Knight or Man) into the player's castle.  In Camelot, a player wins if he moves any two of his pieces (Knights and/or Men) into his opponent’s castle.

2. In Anti-Camelot, a player wins if all of his pieces are captured by his opponent.  In Camelot, a player wins if he captures all of his opponent’s pieces, and has two or more of his own pieces left.

3. In Anti-Camelot, a player wins if he is unable to make a legal move.  In Camelot, a player wins if he has two or more pieces, and his opponent is unable to make a legal move.


Follow the link below to learn more about this variant.