Camette is a down-sized version of Camelot, even smaller than Cam, with a further reduced board size and number of pieces.  Camette was invented by Michael Wortley Nolan in 2002.


Camette is different than Camelot in the following ways:


1. The Camette board has 23 squares.  The Camelot board has 160 squares.


2. Each side in Camette has one Knight and three Men.  Each side in Camelot has four Knights and ten Men.


3. The object of Camette is to get one piece into the opponent's Castle.  The object of Camelot is to get two pieces into the opponent's Castle.


4. Victory in Camette also occurs if one side, even with only one remaining piece, captures all of the opposing pieces.  In Camelot, if the side capturing all of the opposing pieces has only one remaining piece, the game is a draw.  Victory in Camelot by capture of all of the opposing pieces occurs only if the victorious side has two or more remaining pieces. 


5. Stalemate in Camette is impossible.  Stalemate in Camelot is possible, and is a victory for the stalemating side if it has two or more pieces.


6. In Camette, if both sides have only one remaining piece, the game continues until one piece captures the other, or one piece enters the opposing Castle.  In Camelot, if both sides have only one remaining piece, the game is a draw.



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